L2700-206LHSR: L2700-206LHSR Skid Ski
Airglas Skis are designed, engineered and carefully constructed for the most rugged Arctic service. Known for years throughout the world for their exceptional performance and dependability as well as low cost. The skis have a clean aerodynamic design making use of some of the latest developments in reinforced plastics - a properly proportioned ski for best weight distribution and shock loads. Static tested to equal or exceed all FAA requirements, the hollow design of fiberglass reinforced plastics allows the skis to absorb extremely high shock loads without damage to skis or aircraft. Designed with a flexible tip and large flat planing area to allow for maximum support, fast planing and quick rise-out in deep snow. Rolled edges allow for greater maneuverability.
Dimensions : 157.5" x 15.5" Approx. Area of ski: 1460sq in. Weight: 38 lbs C.G. of Ski 54.25" forward of ski socket face
Skid Skis & Attaching Hardware