LTB2600-R44 (Alaska Modular Terrain System) R-44 SKIS (AMTS)/ SKID PROTECTOR
Creates an enhanced stabilizing platform for the aircraft when landing on soft ground or snow. Reduces the potential for dynamic rollover and tail rotor strike. With both forward & aft skis installed, run-on landings are possible. Our skis are also a superior skid protector. The skis have abrasion resistant steel runners on the bottom for outstanding skid protection. Used as a skid protector, they have the added benefit of stabilizing helicopter on soft terrain. A pilot never has to worry about landing on unknown terrain, when a situation happens.
Length Width Weight of ski
Aft Ski 48” 14” 7.25 lbs. each
Fwd. Ski 68” 10” 7.50 lbs. each
Complete set comes with both aft and forward skis, with all the attach hardware. Priced at $3500.00
Aft Ski comes with all attach hardware, Priced at $1750.00.